Absolutely Terrible... there isnt much else to say, but ill try.

User Rating: 1.1 | Minions of Mirth PC
Basically starts out with no story-line or instruction, you make a character(s), pick a class..etc then add them to your "party" (dont have a clue what the point of this so called party is, as you only really control or see one character.. tho you can see you "party's" health bars???!??)
anyways.. after that it drops you into a town with a sword in your hand and from there.. well there isnt much to do.. i tried talkin to a few people, nobody really had anything much to say as to give you a clue what the point of the game was, or what you should do.... (quests maybe?? couldnt find any..)

After milling around in the town for a bit, to no avail.. it got a little boring.. (and frustrating: the UI in this game is probably the most hurriedly thrown together mess of a UI that ive ever seen, it is nearly impossible to tell or figure out what is going on, and what does what..)
SO!! i decided to go out and kill stuff.. such as you do in most rpgs.. killing random mobs for exp and loot.. usually for a purpose in the end, but i dont know what that is for this game.. but hey, its a free trial might aswell kill some random bears for a bit.. so, i ran out of the town to see a whole lot of nothing.. empty landscape of rolling hills with the odd tree and body of water. After running in one direction for a while i finally come across a bear. basically button 1 was my attack, see bear , approach bear, hit button 1. You then go into a sorta "combat stance" and the game plays some combat noise along with bear sounds, and your health and the bears health go down until one of you is dead.. There is no actual combat graphic effects or anything like that.. just sounds.. pretty fun stuff. After a few bears were down i tried lookin for any indicator of my lvl or how much exp i was getting, and again.. could not find any.. this is about the time when i hit esc and pressed quit, then deleted this waste of space off my computer..

This was supposed to be a demo of the Full version, which i believe is out by now.. what this appeared to be in my opinion was a VERY VERY Early Alpha Test version of a game.. as in the Very first actual playable version of a game.. DEFINATELY not a finished product that should ever be even remotely thought of as ready for release..

Graphics: Terrible, this game looks, graphics-wise, as if it came out in 1995.. not 2005... and even tho they are this bad, the game still runs choppy.. i can run Call of Duty 2 with high Graphics settings across the board and high resolution without any choppyness or hit to my framerate, yet this game in med settings, and being totally not graphics intensive runs slightly choppy!??! go figure..
Gameplay: Boring, no story line, no point.. very frustrating UI and control.... just an overall bad setup (Key bindings arent the issue.. overall control of your character sucks, no matter what your bindings are..

Dont waste your time downloading this, as it will likely be deleted within 30 minutes.. and ESPECIALLY do not waste money on this.. god no...
Unfinished product not worth a cent.. i wouldnt even accept the full version of this game if it were offered to me for free.