A Mediocre RPG

User Rating: 6.8 | Minions of Mirth PC
Minions of Mirth is a typical hack and slash type RPG game. At the start of playing you can either choose light or dark side and another side monster can be unlocked during playing those two parts. This game offers many new ideas but full of bugs like the game Dungeon lords that has also similar type of bug problems – like sometimes player stuck with objects, wall. Several times I went through the window and walls. Combat system is just ridicules, when character fight with enemies it just looks funny, jumping and even running is also look strange. It has no save game option, you have to save & quit from the game. Graphics is totally outdated. Conversation with NPC is another boring thing to do during the game. This game gives slow frame rate regarding its dated graphics. I like only one thing of this game- its sounds but gameplay and some strange bugs just killed this game.