A very simple and addictive game about placing blocks :D

User Rating: 9.5 | Minecraft WEB
The game is exactly what it looks like. An old 8-bit styled game about placing blocks. Thats about as simple as i can make it for you. The game is all about imagination...or survival. it all depends on witch aspect you like more.

Theres a few different ways you can play this game. you can play creative mode, survival mode, or play either one with a bunch of mods.

Creative mode is exactly what it sounds like. you have an unlimited supply of blocks and you can build whatever you can imagine. for example you can build pokemon sprites, to a giant full scale version of the starship enterprise. the things you can make are limited only to what you can imagine. Now albeit it can sometimes be a kind of difficult to build exactly what you what because all the blocks are 3-D cubes. but thats where the mods come in. theres a mod that ill allow you to have curved edge blocks and what not. so really your once again able to make anything you can think of.

Survival mode i personally am terrible at :P, but heres how it works. at night time theres a bunch of enemy mobs (mobs are what the npc are called) come out. There are Skeletons, Zombies, Spiders, and the dreaded Creeper. Skeletons will fire arrows at you. zombie just hurt you when they touch you. spiders can jump high adn far and are quite dangerous. and then you have creepers. They will blow up as soon as they get near you. witch means if you have anything of value chances are you will lose it, but this is why notch added beds to the game so you can go straight to day.

and then you have mods. just when you think your bored of the game and theres nothing left you can build, thats where the mods come in. mods can add new blocks, new enemy's, new weapons, or entirely new dimensions. so really theres nothing that cant be done in minecraft.

and you also have multiplayer. so you can setup a server on your computer and have your friends join you and you can build with them and make something really amazing.

Visuals: 8/10
sounds: 9/10
replay value: high

if you havent played it yet, well then what are you waiting for its one of the best games out there right now.