Don't even bother.

User Rating: 3.5 | Mindjack X360
The concept for this game is quite intriguing. Being able to transfer your consciousness to any person or machine and control it. Awesome. Right? Mind immediately began contemplating the possibilities. But I was almost immediately dissapointed.

The game starts with a quick training round on how to hack into machInes and peoPle. You quickly learn how cumbersome the controls are. But I pressed on thinking I would quickly adapt.

I was then immersed into a story that had about as much depth and continuity as edited soft core porn. Random bad guys. No background. No explanation. Nothing but poorly designed gunfights with incompetent AI that take about 30 rounds to kill, or 5 headshots.

Luckily(sarcastic) all of the baddies become incapacitated after about 25 shots and then you can Jedi mind trick them into shooting their own team. But you can't control them. Even though the game says control everything. Sigh.

The only things you can really transfer conscious into are your inexplicable hostage/partner and the random civilians cowering in corners how just so happen to be armed with a pistol and about 100 rounds. Why were they cowering in the muddle of a gunfight? Or better yet, why is everyone at the airport packing heat? Where is TSA?

Anyway, the game mechanics are poor, the AI is idiotic, the storyline is random, and the in game diologue is uber cheesy. This game had potential, but I think there are just too many flaws to even consider this a game worth renting, let alone buying.