Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! Punch you way through one of Nintendos greatest boxing games of all time.

User Rating: 8.6 | Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! NES
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! Puts you behind the controls of a boxer from New York named Little Mac. You try to block, dodge and punch your way to a match with the man, Mike Tyson. The rest of the characters are all fictional but there are some funny, memorable and challenging ones along the way. I think the games difficulty goes pretty well along the way, getting harder as it should when you move up.
Little Mac has a health meter and a heart meter, when the heart meter drops he will turn a pink color and will not be able to throw punches, you will have to dodge your way back to health.
Some of the people you fight you can just punch and dodge your way past them, while others seem to fall victim to certain combos and maneuvers. The game also has an appearance by a Nintendo favorite in the form of a referee, Mario. He'll do the counting when the fighters hit the mat.
Every time you get to a circuit you will receive a password to get you back to the beginning of the circuit that you were in the process of doing, not the exact fight.
All in all this is a pretty challenging game for the NES, not just a button masher you have to use a little bit of strategy. I think this is a definite one to pick up for the NES if you can find it. Also maybe if you have a Wii I think it's on their downloadable games.