Oh Baby! I love this game!

User Rating: 10 | Punch-Out!! NES
This is one of those games that anyone you talk to under 40 is going to remember (maybe even older if you bugged your parents enough as a kid). I remember getting my first NES system Christmas morning too many years ago to remember. Every present from Santa was shelled and played with for about two hours before my dad said, "What's that noise I hear in the basement?" My brother and I looked at each other a tad confused because we thought that another Christmas had gone by without Santa bringing us an NES. We were beginning to think that Santa was a chump for not listing to our requests.

We popped up from the floor and began shoving each other out of the way as we bolted for the basement (I'm surprised we didn't wind up and the bottom of the stairs with broken necks). When we got downstairs and around the corner, there it was, in all it's original glory. Already hooked up, TV on and Punch-Out waiting for us on the menu screen. We about crapped ourselves. The Zapper was out of the box with Duck Hunt and Gumshoe laying on the floor next to it. Super Mario Brothers was laying on the other side.

Santa came through! Or rather my father. My mother didn't know at the time that my Dad had gotten the game for us either and later told us that she was so pissed at him because he spent too much money because at the time he had been laid-off for two months.

I think we spent the remainder of our Christmas break fighting over whose turn it was and who was better than the other at what game. We also spent a majority of our break playing with our GI-Joe's and Transformers we had gotten but the NES was the trophy gift that year.

I can't remember a better Christmas since then except for maybe seeing my own son (3) and daughter's (5) little faces light up last Christmas when they saw the Wii I had gotten for them (me). I know they're a bit young for it but they still have a wonderful time racing cows, bowling and creating deformed-looking Miis.

I can't express the jubilation that ran through my mind when I found out Punch-Out was available for the Virtual Console. Barring the fact that pounding Mike Tyson isn't your final goal, this is still one of the greatest games in history in my personal opinion. It's just an all around fun and challenging game to this day.

My only problem is how I'm going to top last year's Christmas.

If you've got the Wii, this is a must buy. At $5 it's a steal! Get it and you won't be disappointed reliving all the memories of playing it on the NES. If you belong to the "Next-Generation" of gamers and grew up without the simple pleasures of the original NES, you really need to check out this historic jewel that your parents might remember from their adolescence.

Thank you Nintendo for breathing new life into the memories of my gaming career!