A game that will have you playing for hours on end.

User Rating: 10 | Punch-Out!! NES
The NES is a brilliant console with some of the greatest games that you'll play! But one that I just cant get enough of is Punch-out!! It just has everything that makes a good game, good characters, good gameplay, good music, but all and all, its great fun. It starts off easy with you taking down the minor circuit, but then starts to get trickier. You then have to finish fighting Mike Tyson/ Mr Sandman to become the champion. There is a real strategy to this game and is a real challange to learn the opponents moves. Earn star punches by punching them at a certain time then unleash your powerful upercut. You can get this game on the Wii shop for 500 points, buy it, play it finish it, then play it again. An essential purchase. Oh, and when you finish it again, finish it again again, Then buy the wii version.