A very fun game. It's bound to keep you playing for hours.

User Rating: 8.7 | Midtown Madness 2 PC
Midtown Madness is undoubtedly the ultimate free-driving game ever invented. The game offers interesting, if a little difficult, missions. But the real fun of the game is the freeplay mode. You can either practice a few missions you've already completely or simply drive around in one of the two cities - San Fransisco and London. San Fransisco offers a lot of high speed driving potential, assuming of course, you've unlocked enough cars to enjoy the roads:P
If you're not into speed, or just got bored of it, London promises an amazing time dodging the cops!! Certain terrain in the city further increases the amusement in cop fighting.
Midtown Madness 2 has a lot of replay value as well. With a lot of modding potential and a very dedicated community this game can last you a very long time if you can't find anything else to play.
This game is certainly a worthy buy and promises fun for the entire family. Of course, if you mind playing a game with 'amusing' violence, it might be a good idea to rent this game first.