this an amazing game, im hooked on the darn thing!!!

User Rating: 10 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 PC
This is an amazing flight sim game. In the first 2 days i had it i spent 12 hours playing the intro levels!!! its got loads of addons you can get and some freeware too. the graphics are good and the sounds are quite realistic apart from the ATC voices, but this can easily be fixed if you get an ATC addon because they come with better voices. Flying with the keyboard is a real pain, if you get this game make sure that you buy a good joystick too. Dont get a wireless joystick because they can have slower reaction times, so you would be more liable to crash (if you find a good wireless joystick, please message me because i HATE cables, yet i want a good performance). You can easily spend hundreds of pounds on addons for this game, but i treccomend that you buy from a reccomended dealer.

Overall this is an amazing game and you'd have to be nuts not to get it if you like flight sims. Even if you only think you might like a flight sim you should get this.

