a great flight sim!!! youl love it

User Rating: 8.8 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 PC
are you wanting to be a future pilot... or simply just want to fly planes or just want to own a plane and just want to fly around. well this is the game foir you. it does get a bit boring, just flying a plane around all day, to me it gets quite boring but its still a great game. with great graphics and a real simulator youll feel like your flying the real thing.if you want to start off and youve never played before than theres the tetorial that teaches you everything. from taking off to flying to the last stage landing. its a great game for all you airplane guys. even me. there are also more highly advanced aircraft games like x- plane but this is still a good game to start off with, learn with, and to just fly around and test your skills. if you want a air game you can go buy this one no problem