A very difficult game, but fun when masterd!

User Rating: 9.6 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 PC
Picked this game up for $30 and it was worth it, hours and hours of Flight training.

I was a little dissapointed when i played the game, because from the screenshots on the box and Gamespot, the game had awesome graphics, i turned everything on High, still wasn't clear, but for a standard simulation game, this game is the one to pick up. I don't notice that much frame rate issues. and the graphics are decent from a far view.

The sound in this game is excellent, the people in the control tower sound real, and plus the flight instructor actually knows what he's talking about.

Extremly difficult for me to master, but yet none the less had to do all the tutorials and still i only know the basics (take off - flight - landing) but theres much more then that, when you take off you have to wait for clearance (which i don't do), in flight you have to talk to control tower (which i just push random stuff), landing...i land...but very sloppy.

A should have game for every pilot.

If your going to be a future pilot pick this game up, flight instructor already there, historical flights for you to try out, in other terms--->Realistic.