it's exactly like and real airplane but not good graphic

User Rating: 7.5 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 PC
this is the best flysimulation game the cotpitt is real and real pilots train with this game and students that is on univercitys well i got to tell you that it's not easy like an real airplane the best choice when you first time play the game is to go to the training center and complete all the lessons then you can sturt the funnest fly from airport to airport and from country to country
well i was really surprises when i was flying over las vegas in the night at the game it looked exactly like lasvegas all the happy lights and over alska to the snowwy landscapes well it's hard at first you maybe not like the game but later you will just say yippi you can choose if the flight time is like real x1 or x2 and more but the highest is x64 i mean how fast the time will go and you will loose fuel lke real airplane like you cant fly from exampel from newyork to london with boeing 737-800 its small and cant have the required fuel. but exampel boeing 747 from newyork to london is the right size and the right capacity