Action packed MIB game that doesn't take itself too seriously, but not worth retail price.

User Rating: 6 | MIB: Alien Crisis X360
I went to pick up this game from the store because I've always liked the Men In Black movies and used to watch the cartoon series, so I thought it'd be fun to play the game. I had no idea what to expect since I had seen no reviews or previews or heard any details whatsoever.

So first things first, it's a third person shooter. Aside from that, the next thing you notice, or should i say figure out, is that you don't have full control of where you move. You actually have very little control of where you go, the game plays basically like a rail shooter. You can only control moving left or right and then there's just always a couple things to take cover behind. You kill the enemies, then you automatically advance forward a little, kill more enemies, advance, repeat. It plays like this prettymuch throughout the entire game. You can earn upgrade points to upgrade your weapons and attachments. The attachments can be fun, one of the attachments puts your enemies in a bubble and then they just float there unable to do anything, but you can get combo points by shooting the bubble into other enemies. There are some different spots where you fly the MIB car, search for clues, or take out security cameras and incapacitate guards. Overall, there's really not much to challenge your average gamer, with the exception of the end boss. The end boss actually got pretty difficult for me and I probably spent 30-45 minutes on it. But it did give me a nice little sense of victory when it was over.

Although the game isn't innovative or doing much in the way of graphics, it was still fun. The voice acting was kind of cheesy yet still pretty entertaining, there were more than a few laugh out loud moments. It only took me about 6 hours to beat. I would not recommend paying retail price like I did, but I think it is worth renting or getting real cheap.