this game is great and it can entertain you for hours read review for details..... ..............................

User Rating: 9 | Metroid: Zero Mission GBA
the metroid series is knowet for they great games sure now it is first person but that desnt mean it get terrible no its far of that it is really good but for the gba it have tons of great games and one of them whas metroid zero mission it looks really close to the snes version it have anything what you wod expect from a metroid game it got great puzzles and great bosses it whas the one of my first games on gba the first i had whas f-zero but i safe that for a later review sure if you can get the game today it wod not be that awesome like in 2004 but if you got the ds lite and got both metroid zm and the new first person metroid well the best game is metroid ds but the zm game reminds old school gamers that the game was great and new school gamers wod learn how it was but what ever this game is a classic on gameboy advance and it stay that way. but f***k it all lets take fakts

fakts: its entertaiment from metroid and it wod be that what you wod expect of a metroid game of 2-d so metroid you cant go wrong...................