Hard to say what words fit this game.

User Rating: 8.6 | Metroid: Zero Mission GBA
Metroid Zero Mission is a remake of a NES classic known as Metroid. You are Samus Aran and kicking ass on your first mission ever. This game is awesome and should definitely be played by any GBA owner. The reason I picked this game up was, Metroid Fusion. That game was awesome and I always wondered which was best.

Gameplay 9/10

Zero Mission had some incredible gameplay. I loved all the upgrades you got and how you were able to use them. Getting new abilities and putting them to the test immediately was always fun. Then again the screw attack was a little delayed, and if you've played the game you probably know what I mean. Just some minor flaws on the gameplay that were sometimes annoying.

Graphics 9/10

The graphics really impressed me for a GBA game. Back to Metroid Fusion Zero Mission had a little bit better graphics then Metroid Fusion. They weren't the greatest of GBA graphics because I've seen better. Overall they were quite interesting and made this game extremely detailed.

Sound 8/10

I absolutely loved the sound on this game. There were some fantastic songs on each area that made this game enjoyable. I thought the first place in the game had amazing music. Very awesome sounds of blasting your arm cannon at enemies.

Final Comments

The game had only 4 bosses and most were a little too easy. My friend almost beat the game in 8 hours so it's pretty short. I love all the new abilities you unlock and all the artwork you get when beating the game. Also playing as Zero Suit Samus is quite the challenge. The game was awesome and I definitely recommend this game to any GBA owner. Thank for reading,