Rather your a metroid fan or just like pinball, this game will surely please anyone

User Rating: 8.5 | Metroid Prime Pinball (w/Rumble Pak) DS
The Good: Awesome graphics, convincing pinball physics, fun nostalgic Metroid twists to the already great pinball, Brings back memories of the best Metroid game..Metroid Prime, Spectacular Rock n' Roll Remix's of Music from the Metroid game makes for quite possibly the best sound track, can be quikc pick up and play or can make for long marathon gameplay, Its Pinball with Metroid awesomness...Doesnt get much better than that!

The Bad: Only two main tables to chose from tho there are five other tables you can access by doing certain tasks, may be too difficult for some players.

Pinball has been in our arcade machines for decades and has wore such charecter skins like, Lord of the rings, and House of the dead, and over the years nintendo has adopted the Pinball craze and has applied some of its memorable franchises to the formula such as Pokemon Pinball, Pinball of the dead, Sonic pinball party, and Mario pinball. Samus pleased us all with her first Nintendo DS debut with Metroid Prime Hunetrs First Hunt, and now she brings us a new twist with total innovation, by transforming into morph ball and kicking some metroid ass.

For those of you not fermilliar with the Metroid series, Samus is an interstellar bounty hunter who works for the intergalactic federation. SHE is equiped with the power suit provided by the Chozo people of Tallon IV. This unique suit has several abilities in which samus has to her disposal, such as her Morph ball ability, which is the form samus takes for the majority of the game since it is Pinball.

There are two different single player modes in this game. Multi Mission and Single Mission. Multi Mission is where you'll be spending most of your time with Metroid Prime Pinball. You'll be able to chose out of two tables...Talon Overworld or Space Pirate Frigate. You will notice that when you pick your table there is a gigantic map, and the two tables only take up about one third of it. The rest of the map is a culmination of almost a dozen extra tables which are accessible after you get a certain amount of score, and are also playable in single mission mode. To get score (everyone should know this) you flick the morph balled samus around either by using L for the left and R for the right, or alternatively A for right and Left on the D pad for left, to hit bumpers, and rotate flipers. Like most Pinball games Metroid Prime Pinball has a large, intracate scoring system. You will be able to get high jackpot, and super jackpot scores with the clone multiball, and by playing the small challanging mini games like space pirate panic, where you have to flick yourself up to hurt and defeat three space pirates, revealing an artifact which will instantly give you a large score bonus.

Whats really great and appealing about Metroid Prime Pinball is not only is it incredibly immersive, but the attention in detail refering to Metroid Prime. For each table it has remix's of the original music depending on which location of the original prime game the table is based on, and for the Space Pirate Frigate a new Rock n' Roll remix of the original games brinstar level theme. The graphics are spectacular. The visuals bring back all your favourite memories from Metroid prime and is true to the metroid environments. Not only are the graphics and soundtrack true to the metroid franchise but so are the mini games. For instance, you get to shoot a whole bunch of parasite in Space Pirate Frigate, and you'll be able to use screw attack to attain an artifact, and not only that but on the secondary tables you will have a showdown with the rock monster in Phandrana drifts or the Omega Pirate from the Phazon Mines. Of course it will take some practice before your good enough to get tons of score and get all the artifacts and tables, but all in all it is an incredibly fun experience

Metroid Prime Pinball is a suprisingly fun experience that will almost never get boring striving to getting all the artifacts, and unlocking all the tables and even once youve done all that, it is still a fun pick up and play experience rather your catching the bus somewhere or your trying to beat your high score it will always make for exhilirating Metroid fun. Not only that but if you have a friend....or seven...than you can play multiplayer with them and get the most score you can get, but unfortunately only on one table.

Metroid Prime Pinball is a game for anyone of any age, and can be played anytime any place. hopefully they'll make Metroid Prime Pinball 2: Echoes...