This game could have been great, but was cut WAY to short.

User Rating: 6.8 | Metroid Prime Pinball (w/Rumble Pak) DS
Metroid Prime: Pinball is a great game, nice graphics, nice sound, and great innovative pinball gameplay. There's a lot of cool Metroid touches to this game that make it feel a lot like a Metroid title should. For starters the levels can be recognized from Metroid prime, hence the title Metroid Prime: Pinball. The ball in this game is also Samus in pinball mode, duh! It's cool though because I don't think any other regular pinballs can lay . Eat that, Mario Pinball Land! And of course there are other cool innovative features like coming out of that cramped up ball for a minute to shoot some space aliens, bugs, and other traditional baddies from the Metroid series. You can also get a missle and power upgrade to help you out in your time of need. This makes it sound like an awesome game right? Well it's fun, it's well done, but it dosen't last long at all. While it has quite a few nice creative Metroid touches to the gameplay, the length and small varitey brings it down a noch. Fun or not, playing the same 7 or so levels over and over again gets kind of boring after a while. I mean, I don't know if I did something wrong, (prrretty sure I didn't) but there is only about 7 levels, none that challenging and it's over before you can blink. The features are great but there's not enough game behind them to give you the whole experience you should get out of a game. It's so short it feels like it's just a demo. Nintendo just kinda missed it here, and unless you're an EXTREME Metroid aholic, you probably shouldn't waste your money.