
User Rating: 9 | Metroid Prime Pinball (w/Rumble Pak) DS
This is why Nintendo is the king of innovation. Two seemingly crazy types of games fused into one beautiful master peice.


Its a pinball game. You hit R for right paddles, L for left paddles. Touch to tilt. Yep, that simple. But you will be fighting bosses, avoiding enemies, shooting out of morph ball form.

I forgot to mention, you are in a morph ball for the majority of the game. The only time you get out if to shoot stuff. Its on auto fire and you just turn with L and R. It sounds simple, is simple.

The whole game is simple to play, but with all the bells and whistles of the 2 main levels, 2 regular boss levels, and 2 final boss levels, there is so much to do and so much to accomplish its not funny. This game will have you scratching your head as how they thought of that.


I believe this is pre-rendered 3D. It looks great, runs smoothly. The camera never moves though, that is the one problem. Since it is pre-rendered 3D you are stuck in one position except for cutscenes and moving along longer levels.


All of the songs are catchy, and sound like remixed MP1 music. I found some blaster effects to get old, but most of the sound was top notch, and all of the music was awesome. That adds up to a heck of a package.


With 2 tables that you'll spend a majority of your time on, that wouldn't seem like much value. The thing is, it is. There is a hard mode, 4 boss tables, and the 2 regular tables are so complex with so much to do they offer hours of entertainment by themselves with no missions. The missions are 3 levels each, it may take a few times to master them, but once you do they can get annoying. Luckily, a table change and that can be sort of absolved. Of course when you go back it still won't be fun, but its a pinball game, and with so much, one mission being boring won't annoy you too much. There is a third table I almost forgot. The multiplayer table. Its not much fun, with no missions. But with 8 players it is crazy to see who will win.


This game has no story to speak of, but it still has a grab. You want high score, or you want to just beat the game. Its very fun to imagine what you were doing in MP1 compared to the pinball game. Its sequence of tables is accurate to MP1.


Most enjoyable pinball game ever made. I say, buy it if you are looking for a good way to spend a few days. If you want a game that will last you weeks, this game may fill that void if you are a high score seeker. Once again, I highly recommend this game.