Absolute Blast for pinball lovers!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Metroid Prime Pinball (w/Rumble Pak) DS
This is a great pinball game. True, there's a blank spot between screens that is a little unsettling at first, but it's easy enough to get accustomed to this. The sounds are realistic, although the music is a little overwhelming (which is true of physical machines now, too, imho).
What makes this game purely bonzo is the ball play combined with the rumble pack. The lively ball play mimics a real machine as well as any I have ever seen, including the sudden burst of speed and the teetering on an edge. It's so realistic that once I was sure my ball was about to get stuck! Add the rumble pack and you have a nearly perfect pinball experience. Far from the mega-grind I expected, this gives the subtle nudges and jolts of a physical machine. After a few games, it's easy to forget the rumble pack just because it feels so natural.
The nudge feature I don't use much. I don't have a thumb stylus so sliding across the screen means letting go of my flippers. It's clear that it works, however, and I have used it in trying situations!
All in all, I'd say this game is a winner.