it was ummm uhh adequte yeah adequete

User Rating: 8.5 | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes GC
this game was one of the worst in metroid games not that it is bad it is really very good had good graphics good sound and even a good story but it was still adequet not good not bad not god awful just adequet and that completley describes the game adequet it was just adequet while it exceded the first game in the prime series in almost everything graphics sound pick up and play ability STROY voice acting besides grunts and somthing besides chozo I don't even know what ruined it to make it 8.5 in my opinion maybe it was the gay bosses (cough spider guardian) or the light and dark thing I don't know and due to that fact that I have to have so many words i will point out again that it is just plain adequet I guess i can go in depth on greatness for a minute so i don't sound like a jerk its graphics make that gay litle gamegube look like a mighty xbox and it had good sound and oh my god i just realized what was missing Metroids and ridley that is what made this game adequet that is it what metroid game dosen't have metroids I mean normal metroids this game has some freaky dark ones and it also dose'nt have an ice beam it just has dark light and anilator beams that was it