Uh oh! Blocks of death are falling from the sky! Guess who's problem this is?

User Rating: 9 | Meteos DS
The gaint planet Meteos is attacking! Help us! We don't want to die-*BOOM* Help yourself and your home planet to stop these falling blocks from destroying the planet! We are DOOMED! Wait! When you line up three or more blocks they will launch into the air as a counter attack! We aren't doomed after all!

Gameplay: "Blocky"
Blocks... So many blocks... Like they say, the more the marrier! The more blocks the easier. All you need to do is line up three blocks then they launch into space, but some times it doesnt work like that. Some planets have different types of gravity that will slow or speed the process of launching.

Sound:"Say WHAT?!?!"
The sound occurs along with how your doing and what you are doing. That will make each time you play sound different, and each planet has different sounds to it.

Graphics: "Ahh!!!"
Terrible! They look terrible, but still, graphics don't matter that much any way, the only thing that looks good is the top screen.

Extras: "Awesome!"
When you finish the game, there is wireless play with your friends, if they do or don't have the game. There is fuson where you use the meteos you launched into space or at a planet to make planets or items.

Overall:"Go away! And go get it!"
Fun for all! Easy to learn! Very addictive! Instantly fantastic and original!