Meteos is another great reason to own the DS. Simple. Fun. Addictive.

User Rating: 9.4 | Meteos DS
Meteos is another one of those games we have seen a surprising number of recently, its quirky, simple, and a puzzle game. Few would have predicted such games to do well in this day of graphics and high sequel numbers. Another game by Q entertainment, the same team that brought us Lumines, this game works on a different premise than its Tetris inspired brother. Blocks fall one by one and the player uses the stylus to move single blocks up or down. If you line up 3 or more blocks either vertically or diagonally the blocks launch carrying the ones above, but there is a catch. Gravity plays a part, and here is where the game become more than just a "line up and remove" child of Tetris. You can choose to do a vertical line which almost guarantees you will be rid of the blocks but you may be wasting certain types of blocks which may be better used to launch a horizontal group. Even more satisfying is once you launch a huge horizontal group it will hover then drop back down, but before it does you can launch a second one just below or slightly to the side of it clearing nearly the entire screen in a few strokes. Basically its Lumines but diffrent....just as fun though. In the end, it is a must by for the DS.