Fantastic addicting game. All 7 games fit into your PSP.

User Rating: 7.5 | Metal Slug Anthology PSP
Fantastic addicting game. All 7 classic games fit into your own PlayStation Portable. I would give this a 8.5 but the unbelievably slow load times made the game dissatisfying for me. But believe me, when you start a mission and sink into the level you will feel much less swindled. Achieve points and unlock bonus content, PlayStation Portable wallpapers and also the wonderful Metal Slug soundtracks. Controls could not be better they are easy getting used to and great for quick pick up and playing. In single player you will go threw 7 different games which, of course, guarantees long gaming. Most of the time, gameplay is nimble and precise which creates the feeling of complete control. Definitely a buy if your a fan or looking for a good time waster on the PlayStation Portable. This is definitely one of those games you have to have in your library. Despite it's other set backs. -Ataraxia