Don't bother with the arcade versions now.

User Rating: 7.5 | Metal Slug Anthology WII
The Metal Slug arcade machines are notorious for being unbelievably hard. It's not uncommon to find yourself feeding well over $10 into a machine just to finish the game. Multiply that by 7 and you might come close to even $100 if you are playing with a partner.

Instead, invest your dough in the Metal Slug Anthology. The games are perfect arcade emulations and you get infinite continues. They are still very, very hard and you'll never finish a single level with all of your stats intact, but it's a fun ride nonetheless. Some of the games can be a bit samey and you'll finish them all in about an hour. But for chaotic, button-bashing mayhem with loads of explosions and firepower, you can't go wrong with Metal Slug.

Graphics A
Sound B
Gameplay B
Lasting Appeal B-