METAL GEA... SLUG! A classic side scrolling action shooter.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Slug Anthology WII
As a hudge Metal Slug fan who played all of them in the arcade this was a treat! This game is action packed and fun. If your a Contra fan you'll love this game. The controll's are easy, there are 8 different ways of playing, wierd enough the classic controller doesnt work for this game but a gamecube controller does. This game has all the main Metal Slug releases and some extras that are easy to earn.As a 2-d game its graphics are amazing and so is the sound/music. This is a good game to get especially for a low price. Each game can take about 30 minutes to an hour, so it definitly has replay value in each game. I so far have been playing this game crazy, and its 2 player mode is fun. I would recommend this game for everyone, it has something in it for everyone.