Metal Slug Anthology is a fun revisit to the Metal Slug series, and it has a nice bonus of including Metal Slug 6.

User Rating: 8.8 | Metal Slug Anthology WII
Metal Slug Anthology is a fun collection of the series. The gameplay might be simple-blow up bad guys and run and gun through the levels, but it is fun and addicting. It gets even better if you have a friend.
The inclusion of Metal Slug 6 is cool; the game itself is nice, but it's starting to feel like the series should stop now that it's ahead. All the other games are fun, and they are direct ports of their arcade counterparts.
The graphics are tried-and-true to the series-it's not the nicest thing to look at, but they get the job done and there are some nice effects.
The sound is starting to age, but they still have that nice touch and add to the chaos that envelopes the screen. Those death screams never get old.
The controls are a little hard to master-it gives you a number of options, whether a more Wii-gimmicky control or classic style. The gameplay itself is easy to understand.
The series is known for its difficulty, and you can easily see why. However, this adds to the challenge and the value.
All-in-all, this is a great game and one of the games you should definitely buy or ask for from Santa. Supposing that you've never played any of the games, now would be a good time to start. If you want a good value for your dollar this holiday season, then this game should be on the top of your list.