Review: Metal Slug Anthology (Wii)

User Rating: 8 | Metal Slug Anthology WII
Review: Metal Slug Anthology (Wii)

Most Classic games can be had by downloading them off of the Virtual Console on Nintendo's Wii. But way back at launch SNK hadn't declared they were going to release their library on the Virtual Console so they released this collection on the Wii at launch. But is it worth the time of Wii Owners, especially knowing that this collection is eventually going to be released on the Virtual console now

You are solder in the middle of a war against an enemy nation, take the fight to them either alone or 4 buddies in seven of the highest octane shoot em ups games ever made. But is there more to your enemy's army than it appears?

Graphically the game looks as good as one would expect it too, a beautifully detailed 2d side scrolling shooter perfectly emulating it's arcade counterparts with nary a slow down in sight (which was a major occurrence in Metal Slug X on the Playstation and a slight occurrence while playing Metal Slug 4 and 5 on the Xbox), and while the graphics are starting to show its age in a couple of the games, everything is still looks great and feels right at home for the series. That said the game plays so fast and frantic that you really don't get too much time to sit and enjoy the scenery or its beautiful backgrounds.

Music & Sound:
The music and sound effects from the game are good and enjoyable and are a perfect replica of the arcade versions of the game.but as with the game's frantic pacing, all of it usually gets drown out by the sound of gunfire, from either yourself or your enemies. Fortunately you can unlock the music to enjoy it without the gunfire.

Control & Game play:
While the Graphics and sound are perfect replicas of their Arcade / Console originals like in most game series compilations, where most series compilations fall short is in control, and I am happy to report that that is not the case here. And what is more you can choose from 1 of 3 different playing styles, controller style on the Wiimote, Wiimote with motions or Wiimote with nun chuck. Each handles well but to be honest I found my self playing the game with the wiimote in controller style because it was the most comfortable for this classic gamer to adjust to, but I found each mode to play well while being responsive and offered a different approach to classic side scrolling Shoot em up if there was a problem at all with any of the control methods it was when things were getting hairy on screen while playing in the wiimote and nun chuck mode, but even then it was something that is only slight and barely noticeable. Now like I said earlier the game play is fast and frantic and is fully enjoyable especially with pals.

Design & Fun Factor:
While everything else was an well done package including the control scheme (all 3 of them), something I found greatly disturbing was that there wasn't much in the way of unlockable content when it came to the game. A cut scene, the Gameboy Advance Metal Slug that was released a few years ago, you know something else other than soundtrack and production screens and art. The major attraction for vets of the Metal Slug series is that Metal Slug 6 is included in this game for the first time here in the USA.

Well folks every game in this compilation is coming to the virtual eventually and considering that each game will be at least the cost of $9 or $10, and this compilation is only $40 to start, Metal Slug Anthology is a steal, and it offers different ways to play the game which probably can not be said about the Virtual console Versions. Fans of the series, and classic gamers this is a must have, for people looking for something other than mini games to play with your friends this too is for you. Everyone else will want to rent since you can cruse through the game in a weekend but you will love every minute of it.


Game play


Fun factor


Average score

Metal Slug Anthology:

Great control
Frantic and fun game play
Only $40
First release for Metal Slug 6 here in the USA

Not a lot of unlockables
Wiimote and nun chuck controls can feel bogged down in big fire fights
A graphical touch up on a couple of the games would have been nice