A fun arcade style game, for a short amount of time.

User Rating: 7.9 | Metal Slug Anthology WII
I thought that Metal Slug Anthology was a very fun and great game to play when i first tried it. But as a began to play it more, aobut up to Metal Slug 3 it got really boring. The reason of this is because every Metal Slug they made is exactly the same. Just the maps and enemies may be different but nothing else is. So if u were to buy this i would start from last to first because the newer the better. The Ups Were:
1. The Graphics are good. 2. The combat is fun. 3. The game is overall fun.

The Downs Were:
1. Gets boring of doing the same thing in every level. 2. You Die like 10 seconds. Another real down to this game was the dieing. This game could be extremely hard if you didnt have unlimited lives because its so hard to dodge all the bullets, so it causes u to die every few seconds. Just think if u were playing this in an arcade, it would be impossible. I would still recomend this game, as long as you dont get bored fast.