Just not the same.

User Rating: 5.3 | Metal Slug Advance GBA
Ugh... I hate to see things like this happen. When a good game (The Metal Slug arcade series in this case) is brought back to life, fans of the games rush to get that newest one. As a big fan of this Neo-Geo clasic, I was surprised to hear of it coming to my favorite hand-held. I knew it would be kiddied up a little bit (ie: the blood and gore removed). But stripping away the main characters? Adding a HEALTH bar?! ADDING A FREAKING CARD SYSTEM?! I don't know what I was thinking buying this game. Now, in-and-of-itself, this is a fine game. Great gameplay, simple button layout, charming little hand-drawn-looking sprites, but it's just not the Metal Slug I remember...