are you prepared to sware so much that the entire marine core will look like saints. then happy swaring %*&#!

User Rating: 9.6 | Metal Slug 3 XBOX
Those of you who have metal slug games know just how hard they can be but for this game they went off the deep end. For those of you who don't know the series is accredited with being a pain in the ass at times. The game is basically you against basically (and forever) a mock of the nazis. Your four heroes Eri, Marco, Tarma, and Fio, are the only people to stand up to this entire army. Needless to say your obviously far superior than morden's men, but that doesn't mean a thousand of them can't bring you down. The graphics are beautiful 2-D sprites, but they look better than ever compared to most of the polygonal games of today. The game is a refreshing burst of arcade air, reminiscent of times gone by. Just because it's old and from the arcades doesn't mean that you can't spend hours playing it. This games gameplay is the almost the same as contra, you can jump shoot and throw grenades. The thing that separates it from contra though is the goofy graphics and vehicles in the game that you can use. Enough of the simple stuff. the game is difficult, but not impossible for the first four levels. Then pumped up from ramming at light speed through the four previous missions, you encounter the fifth and final mission. The fifth mission could make god himself sware out loud. The game suddenly throws some slightly challenging foes at you and then your at a sub boss. you defeat him with relative ease and proceed to what you think is the final boss. Its the general of the army himself! You fight and win only to find out hes an alien. then the real fifth mission begins. Already weakened by the beginning you are shot up into space to power through even more enemies and sub bosses until your inside the alien ship. Then you have to fight your way through the hordes of aliens inside the ship to reach another sub boss. You defeat him and proceed into even more unrelenting hordes of enemies. Finally you reach the boss with no lives left and having no idea of how to defeat it you lose. So you press yes on the continue and what do you know your back at the beginning of the fifth mission. ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEGINNING. Thats right your screwed. The continue system takes the games already difficult setting and blows it up to astronomical proportions. Not to mention the five credit limit. The sounds for the game are of course perfect in their own goofy sense and pronunciation of rawkit launcher is always there. Even though the fifth level is a major pain, it keeps you coming back for reasons that just can't be explained. Overall its a refreshing experience in this world of **** 3-D crap.