The way Metal Slug is supposed to be.

User Rating: 8.9 | Metal Slug 3 XBOX
If you get frustrated easily I would strongly advise you NOT playing Metal Slug 3. Don't get me wrong, this is a very, very, fun game, but it is also one of the hardest you will ever play. The graphics are classic Metal Slug, with big pixels, yet still very detailed. It has 5 levels with 2 unlockables. There is Fat Island, where to players compete to get the heaviest, and there is Alien Mothership, where you take on the role of an average enemy soldier, saving your men from the aliens. The replay value of MS3 is really high, even though it is tough. Overall, it is the same idea as Contra: Shattered Soldier and Ikaruga, but Metal Slug 3 must be even more fun.