Metal Slug 3 is a game that will appeal to fans of great 2D sidescrolling shooters, and sadists who crave hard games.

User Rating: 8.3 | Metal Slug 3 XBOX
For those of you who get easily frustrated by a challenging game, don't even think about playing Metal Slug 3. You'll throw your controller, kick your cat, and scream into your pillow after you've died for the 20th time on Normal difficulty. But for the rare gamer that actually appreciates a fine looking, great playing, challenging 2D side scrolling shooter, by all means, rent or buy Metal Slug 3 today, you won't be disappointed. Metal Slug 3 certainly doesn't look like it belongs on the Xbox, but who cares about graphics anyways? Metal Slug 3's 2D graphics are some of the best I've seen this generation, and they really don't damper the experience of playing the game. But, if you are one of those new school gamers who thinks eveyr game should look like Ninja Gaiden, or you won't play it, then stop reading this review, and just forget about ever playing this game, because it's not for you. As far as gameplay goes, you'll be hard pressed to find a better side scrolling shooter on any console right now. The controls are incredibly simple to master, each of the 4 characters control perfectly smooth, and you can use either the analog stick or the D pad to control them. Metal Slug 3 is hard. If you like going through a level 15 times, just so you can recognize attack patterns, then die, then you'll love Metal Slug 3. Even on easy difficulty with the max amount of lives, you WILL get your lunch handed to you. But that's ok. Metal Slug 3 is challenging, but it's never cheap. When you die, it's because YOU didn't do something right, you never have the feeling that "the computer cheated, blarrrgh!". Oh, and Metal Slug 3 doesn't have any level checkpoints, if you die while fighting the last boss, you go right back to the start of the incredibly long final level. A lot of people will be turned off by this, but old school purists will feel right and home, and they will love giving the level another try. Metal Slug 3 is one of those games that is NOT meant for everybody. There is a certain breed of gamer that will love this game, and want to perfect it, but most gamers will be turned off by it's hellish difficulty, and the dated graphics. So before buying Metal Slug 3, you really should rent it, because it's a game that some people love, and some people despise.