Fun and Equally Frustrating 2D Action Game

User Rating: 7 | Metal Slug 3 XBOX
Although I haven't played other Metal Slug games I have a strong feeling part 3 is the Jewel in the series. Graphic engine is as good as gets' for a 2D platform. Character animation and level design is top notch with good amount of detail. Small things like seeing steam coming from Tarma's mouth, to seeing dust pickup from your Camel in the desert, and of course seeing space rubble pelt your ship in outer-space all wonderfully immerses the player into this frantic 2D world. Sound department in the game is not a letdown and is done rather nicely. However my biggest complaint for Metal Slug 3 is the lack of any continues!!!!! This ruins an otherwise fun game with emotions of sheer frustration and anger. You die?? Have to start alllll the way back to square 1. And this is a huge pain especially on the last level. Level 5, final level, is absolutely enormous in size. This level can be broken into 5 sections. Player's must travel from air to outer-space and then from outer-space to an Alienship. Once inside, player's must reach the ship's Brain and from there you must safely travel to the Ship's Central Atrium. Once you destroy that then you have to make your escape before ship self destructs. Finally, if all that wasn't enough you must fight MotherBrain herself as you freefall into Earth's atmosphere.

Survive that and then you get the game's ending. And how does SNK design all this you ask ?? With 4 lives and 0.0 continues. Whose you daddy ? Obviously Snk.