User Rating: 9.7 | Metal Slug 3 XBOX
Metal Slug 3 is by no means an easy game, but that should not detract from the overall excellence of this game. Yes I am a huge 2d side scroller fan so that does play a large part in my rating of this game which I will get into in a moment. The graphics of this game, while some people may say are not very good, are actually extremely colorful and very well detailed. The level backgrounds themselves are all very nicely textured. The player animations are smooth and go along quite well in this game. The sound on this game is just basically a direct copy of the arcades sound, which is by no means a bad thing. The music is great, in my opinion anyway, and I am glad they left it the way that it is. The controls on this game are quite simple, although you will be mastering the controls or you will find yourself dying quite often in this game. That being said you should have a decent hang of the controls within maybe 5 minutes. The replay value of a game such as this depends on two things, your patience, and your level of determination to beat the game for the first time, or multiple times. The one HUGE downside to this game, at least in my opinion, is the fact that when you use a continue you start the entire level all over again. So imagine my surprise the first time I played to die on the level 3 boss and suddenly I am back at the beginning of the level. I was pretty frustrated to say the least. So I think it is good to mention that in here since many people may quickly get tired of this game if they are just a casual gamer. This game is extremely difficult, but difficulty will only make the feeling of accomplishment that much more satisfying when you finally beat it. Overall, this is an excellent game with one moderate flaw, that being the continue system. If you are a Metal Slug fan, or a fan of 2d side scrollers this game is surely for you. However, if you are new to the series, I would really recommend renting this game since the price tag as of right now, is pretty steep for what you get in this game. This game may not be for everyone, but it certainly is a great game nonetheless.