Twin Snakes is a pretty good update of a gem, despite being a bare bones update.

User Rating: 8.4 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
In an attempt to give the Gamecube some form, any form of third party support, they convinced Hideo Kojima to let Silicon Knights, famous for Eternal Darkness and Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain, to do a modern day version of Metal Gear Solid. The game is billed as a fusion of the story of Metal Gear Solid with the gameplay of Sons of Liberty. And that's just about all there is to it. The game stars retired soldier Solid Snake who must come to an island in Alaska to stop terrorists that have nuclear weapons. However, the storyline becomes much more complex then that. Conspiracies, conspiracies about conspiracies, double crosses and so on. The cutscenes here are long so gamers who strongly believe that "If I wanted a movie, I'd go to the theatre" may not like it. However, the story is great and they threw in some new and awesome action sequences. They also redid all the voice acting which can be good at times, but most characters that had an accent lose it for some reason. The Metal Gear games have always been about stealth over the guns-blazing approach and this is no exception. You sneak your around through the game trying to avoid getting caught by extremely near-sighted guards. The last thing you want is someone firing the alarm. The elements taken from MGS2 give you an advantage though, such as first-person shooting for easy headshots and hanging off of ledges. To some extent, first-person view makes the game easier than it should. The original Metal Gear Solid wasn't particularly long. Silicon Knights really didn't add a lot of new content in the game. In fact, the game is shorter due to the lack of VR missions. However, the game still has two endings and now you can try collecting dog tags from guards if you desire. Ultimately, Twin Snakes is a must have for anyone that didn't play the original, and even if you did, longtime fans may still get a kick out of the new gear.