The Twin Snakes is an excellent game that unfortunately ends much too soon.

User Rating: 8.5 | Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes GC
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is incredible from start to finish. There is not a single dull moment in the entire game, from the stealth gameplay, to the story with all its twists, to the creative boss fights. If you're a fan of stealth, action, great stories, or fun in general, you need to own and play this game.

The gameplay combines stealth with action and quick thinking. You must sneak around the Alaskan military base, trying to avoid detection by guards whilst remaining hidden and completing your objectives. You have a variety of equipment available to you, from tranquilizers to pistols to sniper rifles, and using it effectively and stealthily is not easy. Sneaking around isn't as simple as you might think, as the base is crawling with guards. You can't just shoot them and expect to get away with it; other guards will hear the shots and search for you, or find their dead comrade and call in for backup. Even if you kill every guard in the room without being detected, someone may radio them and when they receive no response, send in backup. Overall the gameplay is very fun and challenging, and will keep you on your toes.

Equally important is the story. There are a lot of cutscenes, so many that you may be tempted to skip them; don't. If you do, you're missing one of the best parts of the game, arguably better than the gameplay. It's true that sometimes it feels as though you're watching the game more than playing it, but with a story that constantly surprises you with its twists, sharp dialogue, and interesting characters, you may eventually see the gameplay as a means of getting to the story, rather than vice versa.

The graphics are overall impressive, from the detailed character models to the textures. Everything looks good, and you will very rarely find anything that doesn't look right. My only complaint is that the facial animations aren't quite as good as the character models and so during close-ups on the characters, things don't always look right. However, because of how good everything else looks, you probably won't even notice it.

The sound is one of the best parts of the game. The voice acting is top-notch, as are the sound effects of guns, doors, footsteps, and more. Everything sounds just right. The music is not very noticeable, as it's not very loud, and you only really hear it during dramatic moments of the game; when it's playing, however, it's great, and really adds to the tension or drama of the situation.

The only major complaint I have with the game is its length. It should only take you ten hours or so to beat it your first time, although there is the incentive to play on harder difficulties or earn different rankings. You will likely only play through the game once or twice. In the end, despite its short length, The Twin Snakes is an extremely well-done and entertaining game, from its opening to its conclusion.

Gameplay - 8.5
Graphics - 8.5
Sound - 9.5
Value - 7
Overall (not an average) - 8.5