What more could you ask for?

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
I am writing a new kind of review. I wont rate MGS3 because of its grapihcs, sounds, or controls; because you know they will be great. I will be rating MGS3 based on the story, and how the game intereacts with the player. Since GS needs a number for graphics, sound, and other good stuff; I have no choice but to give you a number for the respective categories. My first impression with this game was the story, because MGS2 was a big disappointment to me. The whole idea of introducing a new character middle of a game, and there were just too many twists and other things that just did'nt make MGS2 all that interesting. Forget everything you know about MGS2, and treat MGS3 as the real sequel-prequel to the original Playstaion master peice. MGS3 starts of real slow, and by slow, I mean that nothing really happens for the first hour or two. Once you get over this, then you really feel what MGS3 was meant to be...an awesome story that you wish that it never ended. Are there twists? Yes; is there connections between the MGS games? oh yes! So whats MGS3 really about? Its about Snake, or known as the big boss in the past two MGS games. The game is centered around major cold war events, although the story is a fiction, it does a really good job of connecting events/people of the 60's in to the game's story. You almost feel like as if you have been with snake all along, and the game really does'nt leave you hanging. The stories are now done nicely in very long cut scenes, and for the first time ever, you can interact with some of the cut scenes. The cut scenes is done so well that its almost like you are watching a movie, not playing a game! Lets talk about the story. Story might not be in par with the original MGS, but it comes real close to it! You are asked to finish a simple mission, but in the end it turns out you are asked to save the world. If you played the previous MGS games, then you will face some familiar characters, and you might even be able to connect characters from MGS3 to that in MGS2 or MGS. I am not saying much about the actaul story mainly because it just might ruin some of the suprises that you might face during the game. But is it a good story? Once you finish the game, and think about the game as a whole, you will know its a classic! In final words, MGS3 is just as good as the original MGS. Only thing that was missing was all the surprise elements that were introduced in MGS (MGS has better boss fights), but in some cases some of those surprises are exchanged for the awesome cinemas and story. MGS3 was an wonderful experience, it get my vote for 2004 "Game of the Year". Everyone needs to play this game.