Metal Gear Solid 3

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater PS2
Metal Gear Solid. The first 2 games were excellent and Metal Gear Solid 3 is no exception. I loved this game. I think this was the best game of 04. The game play was really good. It is a lot different than the Splinter Cell. For example if you get seen in the Splinter Cell games you have to start again but if you get seen in MGS3 you can run or even change your camo and hide in the grass. Thats another really good feature Kojima put into this game. You can change your camo for what area you are in. Say you are in the dark there is a black camo so you can sneak around without being seen. Also I really loved the graphics. They were flawless. It really looks like you were there. Another great feature added to this game is that you could heal yourself from bullet wounds, cuts, broken bones, etc. The boss's were very colorful. For example The Fear whose weapon is BEE'S. Just stop and think about this. He does throws bees at you for a weapon. The End also is a really old sniper who to me was the hardest boss in the game. Another thing I really liked about this is that it had a great story. IT had the best story of any of the games I have ever played. Another main part of the game is that it would help you understand it more if you have played the other two games. There was barley anything wrong wit hthis game except for one thing. The camera angles. Many of my friends whom did not like this game was because of the wierd camera angles. But to me I found it easy to get used to but many are not as easy to please. Overall: This game is AWESOME!!! Any person in the right mind should buy this game. I do not think that there was one thing wrong with this game except for the wierd camera view. S if you already do not have this game go out to your local EB, Gamestop, Best Buy, or whatever electronics store in your are and buy this game!!