Extreme mode is gonna take me a while.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Mega Hits!) PS2
This game is unbolivable. It was just plain fun to me. It can quite hard especially on Etreame. I am currently stuck at the part where I fight Olga and she is beating the crap out of me. The story at times can get a little weird but it is pritty good. The voice acting is really good and the machine guns are awesome. The first time through it should take you about 12 to 15 hours. If your not a privious MGS player start out on easy or Very easy or you might find things rather diffcult. The shots fired on this game is pritty good and the russian accents are pritty good also. You will find that the codec messages are pritty long in some places and might make you intersted and confused as well.