Worth Every Penny

User Rating: 9.2 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction PS2
I was somewhat suspicious of this game after some of the games that Lucas Arts has produced. Ex. Wrath Unleashed. But the commercials for it looked really good and I got a demo from a Playstation magazine. So I went to my local Best Buy and picked it up. It is unbelievable! Am i happy I bought it because this game is almost flawless. I think if you can get a good 10 to 20 HOURS of game play with all three character. I also like the idea of having many different choices for players. You can have a American, a Swede, or a Brit. In my opinion the best character is Matias(the swede). Lucas Arts did a great job on the graphics of this game. It really looks like your in North Korea. I think the idea of all of the men you have to catch are cards. I think that the Deck of 52 is a very creative idea. But there are a couple of flaws to the game. This is not a game you could have a long night of gaming on. I thought later on the missions you had to do began really reptitive. Another thing I like is how interactive everything is. You can do everything from drive a helicopter, to drive a tank. It reminded me a lot of the Grand Theft Auto franchise. Another really cool thing that Lucas Arts did was to have old George Lucas character be playable in this game. You can be both Indiana Jones or Hans Solo. FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall this is one of the best games I have played. If you are a fan of the GTA series at all you should go out and pick this game up. But if you don't really like games you can't play for a constant amount of time, you might want to think twice about buying Mercenaries.