This game is great! Catch or kill the deck of 52. Or blow the crap out of everthing!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction PS2
This game is great fun its one of my all time favourites. The begging is brillant when your character drives his/her car out the plane. You play as one of three mercenaires each with there own different abilty what helps them out on missions. You have to do missions to gather intel from different fractions ,who want to win the war for them selves, to find out were the deck of 52 each name after a playing card. Taking certain vechlies give you a disguse of that fraction car. Air strike are fun blowing up everything. It gets abit irrtating when allied soliders die and civillens because if you get the blame you lose money. You can call it cars and wepons as well as the air strike. The side missions are ok they get your friendish up with other sides. The order in which you do the missions is up to you and that affect who wins the war. The fractions are South Koreans, China, Allied forces and russian mafia. The missions can be abit hard but that whats makes the games good. Its really up to you how you do the missions as well there is no set way. There is also a good range of vechiles. All in all a very fun game and hopefully the second will be as good.