Original, smart, addicting, a must buy

User Rating: 9.5 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction XBOX
I know I'm writing this review way to late, but I realized I haven't written one for the game yet. This was definitely one of my favorite Xbox games of all time because it's so original. I'm not a huge fan of FPS and I know this isn't an FPS, but it is a shooter game and it's a great one at that. The ability to hijack vehicles is sweet because there hasn't been a shooter to date where you can jack cars. The storyline is really interesting and fun. The goal of the storyline is to take out the "Ace of Spades" and is 51 other accomplices. Get it, it's like a deck of cards. Another great, original part of the game is the ability to call in airstrikes. So whenever you don't feel like going in for the kill you can just call in a huge airstrike. You can also get various vehicles and weapons delivered via helicopter. So if you still own an Xbox or you want to try this game out on the 360, since its compatible, play it and I guarantee you will love it. And the second one is coming out soon and that one will be even better.