No matter who you are, you must play this game.

User Rating: 9.4 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction XBOX
I had been looking at this game for awhile, but not until I got the demo did I realize what this game was all about. The level of care and detail that has gone into everything is amazing. The characters mouths match the voice perfectly, accents are done nicely, and the action is furious. The explosion effects are some of the best that I have ever seen. Although the story doesn't differ much depending on which character you choose, they all bring their own little atmosphere into the game. The game plays unlike anything I've ever seen, though the closest thing to it is the GTA style. You have a map and an objective point that countinues the story, then you have about 10-20 other little places that are for extra cash. They are optional, only there to help you make money. I use them when I am out of money (which you get by completing contracts, killing enemies, doing favors for people, etc.) but skip them otherwise. You can call in air strikes to take out buildings, call for evac if you need to get out of a situation fast, or call for a supply drop or vehicle drop from the Russian Mafia. Yes, you heard me right, Russian Mafia. They have a website that you can access from your PDA and call in for things and they'll deliver them to you. There is also hijaking vehicles, you can drive or hijak, cars, trucks, tanks, helicopters, whatever you see you can drive it. Almost everything is destructible. I was hooked the moment I layed down a C4 and it not only took out the turrent I was destroying but the cement wall surrounding a building too. The graphics are high quality, with little to no clippings. Everything I love about third person shooters is in this game plus more. One of my favorite TPS of all time was Freedom Fighters. This game just about beats it. From the urban warfare environments, to the feel of the game, this game is what TPS are all about. No matter who you are, whether you like third person shooters or not, heck, even if you like video games or not, you must play this game. It is a truley remarkable accomplishment and will go down as one of my favorite games of all time.