Anything Goes In The Playground Of Destruction!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction PS2
" I'm a Mercenary and I love my job!"

- Chris Jacobs

No Limits, No Barriers, No Mercy. Pandemic Studios has created one of most succesful games in the world today and shall forever be recognized as the most revolutionary third person action war game of all time, Mercenaries: Playground Of Destruction. 97% of everything has been given to you for your own satisfaction, joy and nonstop entertainment. The story as far the game goes involes a North Korean President Choi Kim, attempting to reunify themselves with South Korea, but Choi Kim's son General Choi Song assainates the his father and decides to detsroy South Korea with hundreds of thousands of Nuclear Warheads. The Allied Nations posted bounties on the war criminals and named them the Deck Of 52, each of those 52 war criminals are separated into suits, all four of the suits are involved in different activities, Clubs are a group of mafia known as Division 39, Diamonds are well trained group of soldiers, Hearts are group of scientist involving, biological, chemical weapons, and the Spades are consisted of female special forces squad. And the Target, the Ace of Spades a.k.a. General Song, the price $100,000,000 if captured, $50,000,000 if dead. A Private Military Company known as Executive Operations or ExOps for short calls in three of the best mercs sent to the warzone to take out Gen. Song. The Gameplay is well oriented and dug in deep, you can use any military-grade weapons, hijack any vehicle, and best of all blow the living crap out of everything, as well as getting paid, you go to your PDA and there's a bunch of cool stuff you can go shopping and there's a black market called Merchant Of Menace which gives you, vehicles, military supplies, and airstrikes, since destruction is the main recipe in the game, it make the game tons of never ending fun, after all you're a soldier with bankable interest making a name for yourself on the battlefield. The music is very well composed and well written by Chris Tilton and Michael Giacchino, they earned my respect, when there's no fighting the music is very quiet and you could expect anything to happen, as soon as the action gets in the music starts to transform, into very deep intesne moments of awesomeness. Of course the game isn't without a few problems that are pretty minor, for one there's water around areas and you couldn't swim, the Merchant Of Menace items are limited to a small amount of vehicles, weapons and airstikes. But regardless the game never gets old and if you relish causing insane mayhem shooting people, blowing up vehicles and calling in airstrikes to rain death and destruction, then Mercenaries is right up your alley.