Editor's Say - "Very Poor" "Seriously... WTF!" Find out what i thought...

User Rating: 3.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3
Mercenaries 2 review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]

The Good:

Vehicle Controls

The Bad:

The Visuals

The Ugly:

Enemy A.I.
Sound Effects
Voice Acting




When I play a game I don't like I don't normally write a review for it, but I thought I had to review something for Mercenaries 2. The only thing I acutely liked and thought was good in the game was the vehicle controls. When you drive a car, jeep or whatever (except a motorbike because it sucks) the controls feel good and easy to move. Everything else in the game… sucks. The game-play is just a joke. The animation is poor and the visual effects are of last generation standards. I actually thought I was playing the PS2 version of the game, but it wasn't. The A.I. system is pathetic. Enemy soldiers don't care if they die. Enemies get stuck on almost anything. Sometime you'll find an enemy just standing in one spot doing nothing and they tend to shout out everything there doing, "I'm going for that jeep." "I'm going to throw a grenade." "He behind that building I'm going to get him." Almost as if there shouting everything out for your benefit. Enemies just keep coming for nowhere. One minute you'll think all the enemies in the area are dead and you'll start looking for ammo and health and out of nowhere you'll get shot from somewhere. There are side mission (as well as the main mission of course) to keep you busy, but there not at all satisfying. Poor voice acting making the game hard to tell if the story is meant to be taking seriously or a one big joke. Vehicles don't lets very long. You'll find yourself driving along and then out of nowhere your vehicle will blow up from enemy fire sending your body poorly animated up in the air, sometimes without losing any health at all. The sound effects are just wrong. Gunshots sound like someone's knocking on your door or someone's repeatedly knocking his/her knuckles on a desk. The music is so annoying that after playing the game for so long, it will get imprinted in your head for a long time, and the good thing is, the music repeats itself. Seriously, I had trouble sleeping at nights because of the music. I'll admit one thing, the game made me laugh, because of how poor the game was.
Overall Mercenaries 2 sucked. I mean it is playable in some way, but in the end… it's not satisfying at all.


Story - 2/10
Online Multiplayer - N/A
Life Value - 5/10

Presentation - 4/10
Graphics - 4/10
Atmosphere - 5/10
Game-Play - 5/10
Controls - 4/10
Sound Effects - 2/10
Concept - 2/10

Mercenaries 2 review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]