Tanks,APC,helicopters,bombs destroyable builduing might sound good

User Rating: 6.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PC
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames seems like a good name for this kind of game taking in the fact that for the most part of the game you go around killing army goons and destroying buildings and such.
However as the you progress the uneven odds you find yourself with sometimes take to fun out of the game. For example a mission for the "Pirates" has you driving a jet sky through a nasty checkpoint track and at the same time you must keep an eye out for mines and enemy boats that will shoot on sight. Other missions have you facing a army of army goons armed with everything from assault rifles to RPGs or tanks but allthough this is annoying sometimes it makes you focus on the most impressive part of the game and that is the tactical support you can call on which ranges from air strikes to equipment delivery in the field but there is a catch: this support costs fuel and money (you must buy them from your contacts that you establish as you progress trough the game) and they are quite expensive in matter of fuel.
The plus side that makes this game fun to play for the demo maniac is that as I previously stated you can destroy pretty much everything sometimes getting guite a nice bang for you buck so to say
All in all it is a nice game but they could have the better at balancing certain areas in the game such as the health regen delay and enemy numbers.