Underrated,quite fun and atmospheric game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3
This is a game about a mercenary fighting in Venezuella. He makes allies with various factions. He is given missions which are about blowing things,killing people,driving etc.,like GTA but in some cases quite different. Hijacking a tank for example is quite fun compared to GTA hijacks. And since Venezuella is some kind of warzone because of political situation,you can feel the chaos all around. Rockets flying,vehicles exploding everywhere.I don't know why gamespot underrated this but they do this mistake from time to time.It definitely does deserve at least an "8". Yeah the game is not perfect and needs polish in some areas-some dialogs and music are repetitive,sometimes travelling around becomes annoying- but still quite fun. If you are still not sure,download the demo and see for yourself. Sorry I gotta go,I have stuff to blow up. :)