A loud, explosive, action-packed and incredibly fun game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames X360
I wasn't a huge fan of the original Mercenaries. But I've been looking forward to this one for a long while. Mercenaries 2 is the equivalent of a loud, dumb actionmovie. With explosions that even Michael Bay would find over the top. And it's a lot of fun. The story, or what little there is of it, is ridicilous. "You work for this guy, he won't pay you, he shoots you in the ass and now you want revenge". Simple enough, and it's not like this game needs a complex story. All it needs, is explosions. And there's lots of those alright.

Right of the bat you can choose between 3 Mercs. Yes, it's the same 3 from the previous game. They're not that different. One is faste, one finds more ammo and one regenerates health faster. But of course you're most likely gonna pick the swede Matthias Nilsson. He is once again voiced by underrated actor Peter Stormare. You might know him from Prison Break, Constantine and some Michael Bay movies. The voice acting varies from good to...not so good, what's worse is the constant repeating of lines. You'll hear Fiona say the exact same thing every time you go into the headquarters. But the explosions sound good, and that's what matters right?

In Mercs 2, driving is now fun, and Venezuela is bright and fun to explore. Gone is the murky grey world of from the previous game. Yes, there are a couple of bugs in this game. But I didn't encounter that many. And they were minor, except one where the autosave didn't work properly. So I had to replay the same mission 3 times, but it was one of the best so it didn't matter. The game is fun, but just a bit short. 5 more missions or so would have been nice. I was surprised to see it end, especially when the very last mission is the easiest in the game. No, it is, if you're sneaky. There's also a co-op multiplayer option, unfortunately I haven't been able to try that out just yet. But it sunds like a lot of fun.

If you liked the last game, and open world games in general, I suggest you get out and get yourself a copy of Mercs 2.