The one that started it all is still fun to play today.

User Rating: 10 | Rockman NES
Megaman is an old game released back in 1987 by CAPCOM for NES and is probably the most popular game in the world. I feel honored even reviewing this game.


Dr. Light built 6 robots to do everyday jobs for the humans with his assistaint Dr. Wily. The robots were Cutman who cut wood and helped lumberjacks,Gustman a mining robot who built tunnels for miners,Iceman who could survive negative tempatures,Bombman who blew up land for Dr. Lights projects,Fireman melts and molds metal,and Elecman helped with electrical operations. They were ready but Dr. Wily messed with them to make them do evil stuff and sent the world into destruction. Dr. Light was angry so he built Mega Man to destroy Dr. Wilys plans and bring him to justice.


Play as Mega Man in 10 levels against Dr. Wilys forces to bring peace to the world. Mainly first you start with 6 levels each is a boss stage. You can play them in any order. When you beat a boss you get there weapon witch you can use against enemys and puzzles and bosses cause bosses have a weakness against a certaian weapon so try to find out witch order you do the bosses. Once you beat the bosses you have to go to Dr. Wilys castle in 4 levels. Then on the last level you will face Dr. Wily to save the world. Mainly the gameplay is more arcade like than home system.


Great graphics for the NES ages. I say very good.


Mega Man is probably the greatest and most famous game of all time. I give this game 10 outta 10.

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