Revolutionary, but not without flaws.

User Rating: 7.5 | Rockman NES
The Mega Man series, is-of course- one of the most iconic gaming franchises ever. This is the game that started it all.

In the 80s Capcom hired Inafune to work for them as an artist, and they eventually asked him to make a game for them. The final product, was this. The original Capcom people thought it wouldn't fly, and even though it did, I can see why they thought so.

I'll start out with the gameplay

Very innovative in it's time, the fact that you could choose which level you started at was phenomenally different than what most platformers offered.
The game, like any Mega Man Classic game, has you choosing one of many Robot Masters jumping and shooting your way through, and eventually confronting and defeating the robot master. Once a robot master is defeated you get his power, which was also something new. You could use your obtained power to fight another robot master. This is all good, but the lack of a password or any save feature made the game very tedious, because of difficulty.
Gameplay 3/5

The game was very difficult, and very unforgiving. The amount of unfair enemies is insane. Along with the enemies, spikes in the game were a one hit kill no matter what. Even when flickering you're still vulnerable(Akin to Sonic the Hedgehog to be released in 4 years). Despite this, the game actually wouldn't be nearly as difficult if it had a save, or password feature. This was used in later games which allowed them to be more difficult.(Though they still have less unfair enemies)

The sound is alright, though sometimes annoying.
The music for the most part is great, but alot of the tracks really don't stand out. They're just THERE. Sort of like Mega Man X4

They didn't go much into it, though what they did go into was alright at best.


This game is great, and revolutionary, though the fact that there is no save/password feature, along with it's relentless use of increasingly unfair enemies makes it quite flawed.
Though for any one who considers themselves a platforming fan should probably play it if they haven't